The project „I am OK, you are OK” is carried out with Bluebook – a partner from Italy.

Its aim is to raise awareness of teachers and school staff, as well as parents and children themselves, about peer violence (bullying and cyberbullying)

As part of the project, a program of workshops for teachers, parents and children will be created together with the partner. We want to raise awareness in order to minimize the formation of socially excluded groups, prevent early school leaving, and negative psychological consequences among students who are victims, but also perpetrators of peer violence.

We have already developed (after the exchange of Polish-Italian experiences) an outline of the program of workshops for students of primary schools, grades 4-8, on counteracting peer violence by developing children’s empathy, acceptance for the natural difference of others, assertiveness, self-awareness in the area of their resources and getting to know nature the phenomenon of bullying, its short and long-term effects and their huge role in minimizing it.

By the end of September (after another study visit, this time in Poland), we will create a script for workshops dedicated to teachers and parents.

Please visit the project website: